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Age Requirements For Getting A Nose Piercing

These days, nose piercings are becoming more popular, especially among teenagers and young adults. Because of this, many people under the age of 18 want to get their nose pierced. 

However, getting a nose piercing isn’t a small decision.

Age Requirements For Getting A Nose Piercing

Like any piercing, it comes with a risk of infection if you don’t take care of it properly, and since piercing the nose also involves puncturing cartilage, it’s trickier than your standard ear lobe piercing. 

If you are a minor yourself and want to get a nose piercing, or if you are responsible for a minor who is considering getting their nose pierced, it’s important to understand the age requirements in your state.

You should also be informed about factors such as cost, pain levels and the healing process. 

In this guide, we’ll be walking you through each state’s laws regarding nose piercings for minors and answering some of your most-asked questions about this type of piercings as well as similar piercings. 

Individual State Laws For Nose Piercings 


In Florida, the minimum age to get any kind of piercing without parental consent is 16.

Minors under 16 are able to get certain piercings in Florida, but they can only do so with the consent of a legal guardian, which must be obtained in writing. 

As well as providing notarized and written consent, parents or legal guardians of minors under 16 in Florida must be present for the piercing procedure itself. 


There is no specified minimum age for body piercings in Texas, which means that in theory, minors of any age can get pierced. 

However, in order for this to be done legally, a legal guardian needs to provide written consent and also needs to remain in the room where the piercing procedure is taking place. 

New York 

Like Texas, New York does not have a minimum age for piercings, so there are no restrictions on how old a minor has to be to get a piercing with parental consent. 

With that being said, parental consent is a legal requirement for minors to get body piercings, including nose piercings in New York.

The consent not only needs to be given in writing, but it has to be given in the presence of the licensed practitioner conducting the procedure. 


Again, no minimum age for body piercings has been specified in Alabama law.

However, anyone under the age of 18 (not 16, as in other states) needs to obtain written consent from a legal guardian before the piercing can take place. 


You can, in theory, get a body piercing at any age in Ohio, but this has to be done with parental consent or the consent of a legal guardian. 

The legal guardian will have to specify their consent in writing, and they will also be required to stay while the piercing is done. 

South Carolina 

Minors in South Carolina can technically get a piercing from any age, as long as a parent or legal guardian gives written and notarized consent for the procedure.

The same legal guardian who gave consent needs to be present for the duration of the piercing procedure.

North Carolina 

There’s no law in North Carolina specifying the minimum age for body piercings, but the law in this state does say that written consent has to be obtained from a legal guardian and that the guardian has to be physically present for the piercing. 

South Dakota 

In South Carolina, legal guardians of minors getting body piercings will be presented with a consent form that they must sign before the procedure can take place.

With that being said, there is no minimum age requirement written in law. 

North Dakota 

The legal requirements for minors getting piercings in North Dakota are slightly stricter than in South Dakota.

Although this state doesn’t have a minimum age either, parents or legal guardians are required to give written consent as well as be present for the piercing. 


If you live in Wisconsin, you need to be 18 years old to get a piercing without parental consent, and no minor under the age of 16 is permitted to get a nose piercing with or without consent.

Minors aged 17 must obtain written consent from either a parent or a legal guardian, and the piercer needs to be present when the consent is given.

Rhode Island 

There is no minimum age for getting pierced in Rhode Island, but any minor will need to get written consent from a legal guardian.

It’s also a requirement that the parent or guardian who gives consent must stay for the duration of the procedure. 

Age Requirements For Getting A Nose Piercing


Just like in Rhode Island, there’s no minimum age written in law to say how old someone has to be to get a body piercing, including nose piercings.

With that being said, any minor who wishes to get a nose piercing can only do so with written consent from a legal guardian, who must also be present for the piercing itself. 

New Hampshire

You also don’t need to be above any specific age to get a nose piercing in New Hampshire.

However, consent is required from a legal guardian, and this consent must not only be given in writing but also notarized.

The same legal guardian or parent who gave consent also needs to be present while the piercing is taking place. 


In Hawaii, no minimum age has been specified in law for body or facial piercings, which includes nose piercings.

However, anybody under the age of 18 will need consent in writing from a legal guardian. 


Although Montana doesn’t have a minimum age for piercings, all minors must have written consent from a parent or legal guardian.

The consent needs to be notarized and must also be given in the presence of the person doing the piercing.

Additionally, the legal guardian who gave their written consent for the procedure should be present during the appointment. 


Anyone wanting to get a piercing without parental consent in Delaware will need to be over the age of 18.

Anyone under the age of 18 needs to present written and notarized confirmation of consent from a legal guardian. 


You don’t have to be over any specific age to get a nose piercing in California, but you can’t get one without parental consent if you’re under 18.

Minors under this age need to provide written and notarized consent from a legal guardian, who must be present at the time of the piercing.


In Alaska, if you’re under 18, you’ll need to get parental permission or the consent of a legal guardian before you can get a piercing.

The consent must be given in writing and the person giving consent has to be present throughout the procedure.


Minors in Illinois can technically get a piercing at any age, as long as a parent or legal guardian accompanies them and stays in the room throughout.

These rules apply to body piercings and facial piercings such as nose piercings, but ear piercings can be obtained by minors without parental consent. 


There’s no minimum age for body and facial piercings in the state of Tennessee.

However, any minor wishing to get a nose piercing can only do so with written consent from a legal guardian, who also needs to be present for the procedure.


Minors of any age in Wyoming can get a body or facial piercing, as long as verbal consent is obtained from a legal guardian in the presence of the piercer.

The guardian also needs to stay in the room during the piercing. 


Nevada doesn’t have any laws in place for body piercing, and piercing shops in the state are not regulated. 


There’s no minimum age for nose piercings in Michigan, but minors do need consent from a legal guardian that is notarized in writing. The piercer must be present when consent is given. 


In Oregon, you can get a piercing at any age as long as you have written consent from a legal guardian, who must also provide identification to the piercer. 


In Virginia, minors can get their ears pierced without parental consent, but for all other piercings, minors need written consent from a legal guardian who is prepared to stay for the procedure. 


There’s no minimum age for piercings in Utah, but a legal guardian needs to show ID to the piercer and provide written consent. They also need to be present during the appointment. 

Age Requirements For Getting A Nose Piercing


In Minnesota, all minors need a guardian’s written and notarized consent for piercings, which should be provided in front of the piercer.

Certain piercings such as nipple or genital piercings can’t be performed on minors.


Minors in Louisiana must be at least 16 years old before they can get body piercings, with or without parental consent.

Minors above this age but under the age of 18 need written consent from a legal guardian, who must stay for the appointment.


Nobody under the age of 14 can get pierced in Idaho. Minors over the age of 14 need written parental consent and the presence of a legal guardian. 

District Of Columbia 

There’s no minimum age for piercings in the District of Columbia, but all piercings, including ear piercings, need written consent from a legal guardian.


People under 18 in Georgia need written and notarized consent from a legal guardian for body and facial piercings, although parental consent is not needed for ear piercings.


There’s no minimum age for piercings in Kentucky, although minors need consent (written and notarized) from a legal guardian. 

New Jersey

Minors have to be at least 16 for piercings in New Jersey, and written consent from a guardian is required.


There’s no minimum piercing age in Pennsylvania, but a legal guardian has to be present and provide written consent. 

West Virginia 

The minimum age for piercings in West Virginia is 16 and written consent is needed from a legal guardian.

New Mexico 

Parents or legal guardians must be present and provide written consent for minors to get piercings, but there’s no minimum age specification. 


In Missouri, there’s no minimum legal age for piercings, but parental consent must be given in front of the piercer and must also be given in writing and notarized.


Anyone under 18 in Colorado needs written consent from a legal guardian to get a nose piercing. 


You can’t get a piercing under the age of 16 in Kansas. Written and notarized consent and the presence of a legal guardian is required.


Maine has a minimum age of 18 for piercings. Under-18s need written consent from a legal guardian for all piercings except nose piercings


Iowa doesn’t really have state laws regarding piercings. Piercing shops are regulated according to city or county laws and may set their own policies.


Nobody under 18 in Mississippi can get a piercing, except ear lobe or cartilage piercings.


Nebraska law doesn’t state a minimum age for piercings, but parental consent must be written and notarized. A guardian has to be present for the procedure.


Minors can get piercings in Vermont with written consent from a legal guardian.


Minors in Michigan need consent (written and notarized) from a parent or legal guardian, given in the presence of the person performing the procedure.


Anyone under 18 in Indiana needs written consent from a present legal guardian before getting a piercing. 

Age Requirements For Getting A Nose Piercing


Minors under the age of 18 can get a nose piercing in Arizona, as long as a legal guardian is present. 


In Maryland, under-18s need to provide written consent from a legal guardian for all piercings, except for lobe piercings.


Written consent is needed for minors under 18 to get nose piercings in Connecticut. 


If you’re under 18 in Arkansas, you’ll need written consent from a legal guardian who must stay for the piercing appointment if you want a nose piercing. 


There are no laws or minimum ages for body or facial piercings in the state of Washington.


No minimum age is written in Massachusetts law regarding piercings, except for genital piercings. However, anyone under 18 needs written consent from a legal guardian.

Will I Need ID For My Nose Piercing? 

Assuming that you are of an age where you can get a nose piercing in your state, it’s always a good idea to bring some form of photographic ID with you.

If you’re old enough to drive, you could use your driver’s license as long as it’s state-issued, but you can also use a passport. 

Bear in mind that in some states, you will also need a legal guardian to be present for the piercing itself.

What About Septum Piercings? 

We’ve covered each state’s legal age requirements for nose piercings, but what about septum piercings? Well, just like for regular nose piercings, this varies from state to state. 

A septum piercing differs from a nose piercing because instead of puncturing the nostril, the needle will pass through the strip of tissue (not the cartilage) in the middle of your nose.

This part of your nose is called the columella. 

In most places in the United States, you can get your nose pierced from the age of 14 as long as you have the permission of a legal guardian.

However, you must make sure to bring a form of photographic, state-issued identification and bring your parent or guardian with you to your piercing appointment as they might need to sign a form or supervise the piercing.

However, there are a few states where you need to be at least 18 to get your septum pierced.

If you’re under 18 and considering getting a septum piercing, make sure to do your research beforehand to ensure that it’s legal. 

Septum piercings take slightly longer to heal than standard nose piercings, but a lot of people report finding this type of piercing less painful since the needle goes through flesh instead of cartilage.

Despite the lower pain level, however, you still need to be patient when you wait for it to heal and keep up with your aftercare routine to make sure no infection takes hold.

Do You Need Parental Consent For Piercings At 16? 

In a lot of states, once you reach the age of 16, you don’t need parental consent for some piercings.

However, the list of which piercings you can get at 16 without the consent of a legal guardian can vary by state and different piercing studios might have their own policies, so do your research before going to get a piercing. 

Can I Get Piercings At 13/14?

Teenagers aged 13 and 14 might be very close in age, but there is a big difference between the piercings you can get at these ages. 

In some states, 14 is the absolute minimum age for getting a piercing. In other states, 13-year-olds can get certain piercings as long as a parent or guardian consents to the procedure. 

The reason a lot of states have set 14 as the minimum age for piercings is because getting a piercing of any kind requires a certain level of maturity and responsibility.

There are also risks involved, which 13-year-olds may not fully understand. 

Many young teenagers can be impatient and may not follow through with regular aftercare for the recommended amount of time.

This can leave them open to infections, blood-borne diseases, and scarring. 

Even if a 13-year-old is responsible enough to practice thorough and consistent aftercare, they may not be able to make an informed decision to consent to the risks that come with getting a piercing.

Even if you do all the aftercare correctly, there’s still a risk that you could have an allergic reaction to the piercing and some people are simply more prone to keloid scarring, which is permanent.

These are things that young teenagers may not fully understand, so it’s often best to wait until they are older before considering a piercing. 

Are Nose Piercings Allowed In School? 

Even though many US states will allow minors to get nose and septum piercings as long as there is parental consent, most schools do not look favorably on nose piercings.

This can make the process of getting a nose or septum piercing much more complicated if you’re still in school. 

With septum piercings, some of the jewelry allows for the piercing to be flipped so that it goes up inside the nose and is hidden.

With nostril piercings, you can get clear studs that are almost invisible, but these still won’t hide the piercing from up close.

Also, since you can’t get your nose pierced with a clear stud and shouldn’t change the jewelry during the healing process, a clear stud probably won’t be an option for the first couple of months. 

If you’re thinking of getting a nose piercing, but your school won’t allow it, we suggest reconsidering or waiting until you finish school.

That’s because your only option if you want to keep the piercing in may be to take it out during school hours and put it back in after school, which is not a good idea for various reasons. 

During the healing process, the hole can close up quickly, and you may not be able to get it back in, which would be a waste of money spent on the piercing.

You also run the risk of introducing bacteria into the site of the piercing, which is a recipe for a nasty infection. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Does A Nose Piercing Take Long To Heal? 

Most reputable piercers will initially put a stud into the piercing and recommend that you leave it in for the duration of the healing period.

However, many people who get their nose pierced are eager to swap the stud for a ring or other jewelry, so they want to know how long exactly the piercing will take to heal. 

The time it will take for your nose piercing to heal will depend on how your body reacts to the piercing (everyone is different) and how well you stick to the recommended aftercare.

It will also depend on what your jewelry is made of, with high-quality materials such as stainless steel, gold or titanium being associated with faster healing times. 

On average, though, healing a nose piercing can take anywhere between 8 and 16 weeks, so it’s important to be patient and not get lazy with your aftercare.

What Is The Healing Time For A Septum Piercing?

Septum piercings usually take a little longer to heal than nose piercings. That’s because the tissue being pierced is thicker than the cartilage on the sides of your nostrils.

Therefore, the average healing time for a septum piercing is between 12 and 16 weeks, as opposed to 8–16 weeks. 

However, bear in mind that for some people, the healing time for a septum piercing is even longer.

Some people who have had a septum piercing report the healing process taking anywhere up to 8 months, so be prepared to keep your piercing jewelry in and continue your aftercare routine for a while. 

Can I Get A Nose Piercing At Claire’s? 

Yes, you do have the option of going to Claire’s to get your nose pierced. However, we don’t recommend it, and neither do most piercing experts. This is because all piercings at Claire’s are done with a piercing gun. 

Getting your nose pierced with a gun is generally not considered to be a good idea.

Even a regular lobe piercing is best done with a needle, but using a gun to puncture cartilage comes with an increased risk of infection, and there’s even a chance of the cartilage shattering.

Additionally, your risk of going into shock is higher when the piercing is done with a gun. 

If you’re going to get a nose piercing, we highly recommend that you do your research and find a well-reviewed studio that adheres to the best standards of piercing.

This is important for your health and safety. 

Can I Get My Nose Pierced At Walmart?

No, you can’t get your nose pierced at Walmart because this store doesn’t offer nose piercings. You can get your ears pierced at Walmart, however. 

The reason Walmart will not pierce noses is because, like Claire’s, they use a gun to do all of their piercings.

Needles are always the best choice for any piercing, but getting your ears pierced with a gun is significantly safer than using a gun for a nose piercing. 

Will Getting My Nose Pierced Hurt?

Everyone’s pain threshold is different, so if you ask several people who have had their nose pierced, they may give you different answers regarding the pain level.

Some people will say they barely felt the piercing, or that the discomfort was very mild, while others will tell you it was very painful. 

Generally speaking, if you go to an experienced, professional piercer who uses a needle, the pain should only be mild to moderate.

The piercing itself should only take a second, and this is the most painful part. Afterward, you may feel some throbbing in your nostril, and the area is likely to feel a little sore and tender for a few days. 

With that being said, although the moment where the needle pierces the skin might be quite painful, you should never feel significant pain after the piercing is done.

A little soreness and swelling is normal, but if the site of the piercing is extremely painful afterward, especially if the pain is accompanied by severe swelling or discoloration, you should seek medical attention. 

How Much Will A Nose Piercing Cost?

The cost of a nose piercing can vary greatly depending on where you get the piercing done and what jewelry material you choose.

At minimum, you can expect to spend $30 on a nose piercing. If a piercing studio is charging less than this for a nose piercing, you might want to do more research and look at online testimonials. 

At some more high-end piercing shops, you might spend as much as $90 on a nose piercing.

Usually, if you’re spending this much, it will be because the jewelry is made of a more expensive material to reduce the risk of allergic reactions and promote a fast and smooth healing process.

The higher cost may also be linked to the piercer’s experience or the inclusion of aftercare products in the price. 

The price of a septum piercing usually starts slightly higher than that of a nostril piercing, at around $40. However, the upper limit is usually the same at around $90.

The reason septum piercings usually cost slightly more is that they’re less common than nostril piercings, so piercers will generally need to have more experience in order to do them.


Different states have very different laws regarding minimum ages for piercings. 

In some states, anyone can get a nose piercing with parental consent or the consent of a legal guardian. Consent may need to be given in writing, in the presence of the piercer, or notarized.

Some states have minimum ages for all piercings, whereas in other states, piercing shops are not regulated at all, or are subject to individual city laws. 

Please do your research if you’re considering getting a nose piercing as a minor or allowing your child to get a nose piercing.

Simon Lewis

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