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What Is A Co-Op In Homeschooling?

When you first start homeschooling, there are many aspects of it that you just wouldn’t be aware of.

It’s a very different experience to public schooling, and while you might feel like you are on your own, there is a lot of support out there you can turn to. 

One thing that many homeschooling families turn to is co-op groups. But if you are new to homeschooling, you might not even be aware of what a co-op is. 

What Is A Co-op In Homeschooling

If you want to know more about these groups, then you have come to the right place.

Below, you will find out all the information you need to know about what a co-op in homeschooling is. So read on to find out more. 

Understanding Homeschooling Co-Ops

So, what exactly is a co-op in homeschooling?

In the most simple of terms, a co-op in homeschooling is a group of families who meet together, usually to achieve common goals.

These homeschooling families meet in places like each other’s homes, a library, or a community center, and they usually meet every week or every month. 

These co-ops allow parents and their kids to socialize and help each other. Homeschooling can feel quite lonely at times, but co-ops can really give families the support they need to achieve their goals.

Homeschooling co-ops are places where parents can have meetings, get advice from each other, set and achieve academic goals together, and it is also a place where kids can learn together a couple of times a month.

It is the closest thing to a traditional high school classroom setting, which can drastically help children who may be feeling a bit isolated in their homeschooling.

They are quite similar to homeschooling groups, but co-ops are usually a lot smaller in size and a bit more formal.

How Do Co-Ops In Homeschooling Work?

Typically, co-ops run activities and sometimes lessons that can be run by the parents or by a teacher that the parents have paid for.

The beauty of these co-ops is that the parents can pool their money together to pay for things, which can be helpful for families who are struggling financially. 

Small co-ops usually consist of about three families, but larger co-ops can be made up of several families. What size co-op you choose largely depends on what you want and what is available in your area.

Homeschooling co-ops usually meet once a week or a couple of times a month. The families in these co-op then do activities together, or the children get together and have specific lessons taught to them as a group. 

The parents are also able to call meetings and plan things together. This can be anything from lessons to activities, choosing the appropriate teachers for the co-op, and in lots of cases, co-ops will get together just for the social aspect.

Every co-op follows its own model and routine, which is why it is important to do research on your local co-ops before you choose one.

What Is A Co-op In Homeschooling

How Do I Find A Homeschooling Co-Op?

If you are interested in joining a homeschooling co-op for yourself, then you are going to need to find one.

It might seem like it is complicated to find a homeschooling co-op, but it is a lot easier than you might originally think. 

The easiest way to find a homeschooling co-op is to look on the internet.

Things like homeschooling forums and Facebook groups can help you find local homeschooling co-ops. You can ask questions on these forums to get more information about these co-ops too. 

You can even try your local libraries and community centers.

These are places where homeschooling co-ops tend to meet up the most, and even if you visit on a day when the co-ops are not in session, you can enquire about them and their availability. 

The most important thing to remember when looking for a homeschooling co-op is research. The more research you do on the co-ops you are interested in, the better the experience will be.

Pros & Cons Of Homeschooling Co-Ops

As with anything else, there are pros and cons that come with homeschooling co-ops.

Before you join a homeschooling co-op, it is important to be aware of these pros and cons so you are not jumping into the situation blindly. 

Below, you will find a list of pros and cons to take into consideration before you join a homeschooling co-op. So read on to find out more.


  • They provide a sense of community. They are a great option for homeschoolers who might feel isolated in comparison to children who attend public school.
  • Parents have more say in how their kids are educated. Parents in co-ops will hold meetings to decide what their kids are learning and doing, which gives them more say over their education than they would get if the kids were in public school.
  • Kids & parents get more opportunities to socialize. Socialization can be really tough on homeschooling families. However, having these group meetings with people who have the same experiences can minimize the lack of socialization.


  • You have to be on the same page with the other parents. If you don’t share the same beliefs, values, and educational philosophies as the other parents, the co-op might impact your family negatively.
  • Co-ops can be time-consuming. Even though they do not meet every day, co-ops can be quite time-consuming, especially with everything else you are juggling as a homeschooling family.

See also: How to make homeschooling easier.


Homeschooling co-ops are definitely something that all families should consider.

They can provide you and your kids with a community of like-minded people, and when you find the right co-op, it can really help your children’s education. 

If you do choose to go down the co-op homeschooling route, make sure you do your research to find the right one for your family.

Use the information we have provided for you here to make an informed decision about how to proceed with co-ops. Some families love them, but this avenue isn’t always for every family. 

Further reading: How to not go crazy homeschooling kids!

Simon Lewis

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