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A Complete Guide To Homeschooling In Kentucky

Homeschooling has become a lifeline for many families who struggle with traditional schooling.

And the good news is that homeschooling is now well-supported in the vast majority of states.

If you are in Kentucky, or you are planning to move there, and need to understand more about homeschooling in this state, this guide is for you.

Homeschooling In Kentucky

Below, we will share vital information on how to get started, the requirements you need to be aware of, the support available to you, and more.

So, if you are ready to start your journey of homeschooling in Kentucky, keep reading.

Kentucky Homeschooling Regulations

Before we dive into the regulations, it’s important to note that Kentucky is a homeschooling-friendly state, and there is plenty of support available to you and your family.

That being said, and as with any state, it’s important to understand the regulations – which can vary from place to place.

The good news is the guidelines in Kentucky are pretty straightforward, and the goal is not to put any unnecessary stress on you or your family.

So, with that in mind, let’s break down the regulations and requirements.

Firstly, and under state law, it’s important to be aware that all children aged 6 to 18 must be enrolled in school, whether that’s in private school, public school, or homeschooling.

After mulling over your options, if you’re set on homeschooling your child or children in Kentucky, then the first step is to produce a letter of intent.

This is a formal letter – a requirement in most states – which dictates that you plan on removing your child from mainstream school and you will instead complete their education at home.

This letter must be sent to the local school board’s superintendent within ten days of the new school year – and this must be done every school year.

The letter should include your child’s name, their age, and where they reside.

You can find more information on this, and you can also access a template by following this link.

If your child is currently in mainstream education, you should also write to the school to notify them that you will be homeschooling and, as such, your child won’t be returning to school.

The next requirement is that you need to deliver the core education in English, and you should cover grammar, spelling, reading, writing, history, science, mathematics, and civics. We’ll come back to this in the next section, where we focus on the curriculum.

Homeschooling is quite the commitment, and to put this into context, you will be required to deliver 1062 instructional hours to your children. These hours should be delivered over at least 170 days.

Record keeping is an essential part of homeschooling. In Kentucky, you are expected to keep attendance records, as well as scholarship reports of your child’s achievements and progress in all subjects. Again, we’ll delve into this more later on in the guide.

Curriculum Options In Kentucky

As we mentioned above, when opting to homeschool your children, you have to agree to cover the core subjects – these are:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Grammar
  • Spelling
  • Science
  • Mathematics
  • History
  • Civics

This doesn’t mean that you are restricted to just these subjects, though.

As long as the core areas are covered, you can introduce other lessons that align well with your child’s passions and interests, which is one of the real beauties of homeschooling.

Another thing to consider is that if you are keen to explore a Christian-centred education for your family, this is also a viable homeschooling option.

The responsibility for delivering the curriculum sits solely with the parents, but you aren’t without support.

There’s a huge array of educational providers – some of them secular – who offer curriculums and educational materials to homeschooling families.

You don’t have to sign up with one of these providers, but it can make the process a lot easier.

Record-Keeping In Kentucky

You aren’t required to submit any records if you are homeschooling in Kentucky, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to keep any records.

If you are homeschooling in this state, you are expected to keep records of attendance and your child’s progress.

Another key reason to keep tight records is that if you decide to return your child to mainstream education at any point, these records can be used to place your child in the right grade.

When homeschooling a high schooler in Kentucky, these records can also help with moving on to college education.

It’s beneficial to start healthy habits of regular record-keeping right from the start – it’s much easier than retracing your steps later and trying to pin together what has been covered and when.

Whether you choose to keep a paper record or use digital methods, it’s completely up to you.

Homeschooling In Kentucky

Evaluations And Standardized Testing In Kentucky

The good news is there’s no standardized testing in place in Kentucky. And there is no inspection of your portfolio either.

It can be helpful to test your child regularly to understand how well they are absorbing the curriculum, but this isn’t a legal requirement.

What about high school, you may wonder? Well, it’s completely up to the parent to assess whether their child has fulfilled the requirements for graduation.

Some parents prefer to assign credits to modules to allow for an easier assessment and to issue a graduation diploma.

Support Networks In Kentucky

Even if you’re finding the homeschooling journey to be a breeze, we cannot recommend the importance of support networks enough.

There are numerous co-ops and support groups available to you in Kentucky.

They will give you the opportunity to talk to other homeschooling parents, share tips and advice, learn more about the resources available to you and your family, provide options for socializing your child with other homeschooled children, the chance to attend field trips and, of course, somewhere safe to discuss your wins as well as any issues you might be facing.

There are homeschooling groups and co-ops all over the state – here’s an example of just a few:

  • Grayson County Homeschoolers
  • St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Homeschool Group
  • West KY Homeschool Support
  • Wild + Free
  • Pennyroyal Area Christian Home Educators of Kentucky
  • CROSS Academy
  • Seeds of Faith Homeschool Co-op
  • Strong Oaks Academy
  • Freedom Homeschool Co-Op
  • And many more!

Kentucky Future Pathways

As we touched upon above, when it’s time for graduation after homeschooling your children, you will need to issue your own diploma.

However, it’s important to note that the KDE won’t recognize any homeschool diplomas. Not to panic, though, as it doesn’t mean that colleges won’t accept them.

Some homeschooled children opt to take the General Education Development (GED) exam to achieve widely recognized and accepted accreditation to move forward on their education and career path.

Final Thoughts

In this guide, we’ve covered all of the basics for embarking on homeschooling in Kentucky.

Remember, if your child is aged 6-18, they must be enrolled in education – whether that’s mainstream school or being homeschooled.

To homeschool your children, you need to submit a letter of intent to the superintendent of the local education board within ten days of the start of the school year.

From there, you’ll need to set your curriculum – making sure to cover spelling, grammar, maths, science, history, reading, writing, and civics. You can adapt your curriculum from there to focus on your child’s strengths and interests.

Keep robust records of attendance and of your child’s performance throughout your homeschooling journey.

And don’t forget to join a local homeschool support group or co-op – it can make all the difference.

Further reading: Homeschooling in Iowa.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Kentucky a homeschool-friendly state?

Yes, it is. If you are in Kentucky or you’re looking to move there, you can homeschool your children as long as you follow the State-specific requirements.

How many kids are homeschooled in Kentucky?

According to the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE), at the end of the 2021 academic year, 14% of the school-age population was being homeschooled. This accounted for around 90,000 children.

How do I enroll my child in homeschool in Kentucky?

All you need to do is notify the superintendent of the local education board in writing within ten days of the new school year that you intend to pull your child from mainstream education and homeschool them instead. Don’t forget to notify the school if they were previously enrolled.

What are the requirements to homeschool in Kentucky?

The requirements for homeschooling in Kentucky are fairly straightforward. To homeschool in this state, you must:

  • Send a letter of intent.
  • Keep attendance and performance records.
  • Cover writing, grammar, reading, spelling, maths, history, science, and civics in your curriculum.
  • Deliver 1062 instructional hours.

Does Kentucky pay for homeschooling?

The Kentucky Department of Education doesn’t provide any financial support to homeschooling families. Depending on how you decide to homeschool, you may incur costs, so do your research first.

Do you have to show proof of homeschooling in Kentucky?

There are no reporting requirements in Kentucky, but you do need to submit a letter to the superintendent to declare that you will be homeschooling each year within ten days of the start of the new school year.

Simon Lewis

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