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28 Creative Journal Prompts To Get Middle Schoolers Thinking

As any middle school teacher will be aware, getting children of this age to open up and express their thoughts and feelings can be a difficult task.

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28 Creative Journal Prompts To Get Middle Schoolers Thinking

Creative journaling prompts are a great way to encourage self-expression in a constructive and engaging way.

Here is a list of 28 creative journal prompts for your middle schoolers that will help them explore their thoughts and opinions on a variety of topics:

1. Think Of Your Favorite Trip Or Vacation, And Tell The Story

This prompt offers an opportunity for students to reflect on happy memories and explore the emotions associated with them.

2. What Would You Do If You Had A Million Dollars?

This simple yet open-ended prompt encourages children to think about their dreams and ambitions and explore what they would prioritize with a large sum of money.

3. If You Could Invent Something New, What Would It Be?

Asking students to come up with their own inventions encourages creativity and imagination, and allows them to explore the potential of their minds.

4. What Would Make You Truly Happy?

This prompt encourages students to look within themselves and consider what it is that they truly need in order to be content and fulfilled.

5. Write About A Moment When You Were Brave

This prompt helps children to reflect on times when they have dared to do something difficult and celebrate their strength.

6. Write About A Time When You Felt Embarrassed Or Ashamed

This prompt can help students to explore their feelings around uncomfortable situations, and learn from them in a constructive way.

7. Name Three Things That Make You Feel Safe And Explain Why

This prompt allows children to reflect on their feelings of safety and security, and think of ways to protect themselves in the future.

8. What Are Your Thoughts On The Current Political Climate?

This prompt offers an opportunity for students to consider their views on current events and express their opinions in a mature way.

9. What Superpower Would You Have, And Why?

This is a great prompt that encourages children to think about how they would use a superpower for the greater good, or explore the potential consequences of having such power.

10. What Makes Someone A Hero In Your Opinion?

This prompt encourages students to think deeply about their values and beliefs. It also encourages them to consider and reflect on what qualities they admire in others.

11. Have You Ever Experienced A Life-Changing Event? How Did It Affect You?

This prompt encourages students to reflect on experiences that have made an impact on their lives and consider the ways in which they have shaped them.

12. What Do You Think Will Be The Biggest Challenge Of Your Generation?

This thought-provoking prompt encourages students to consider the world around them and the challenges their generation might face in the future.

13. Write About A Time That You Overcame An Obstacle

This is a great opportunity for students to reflect on their own resilience and strength, and how they have used these attributes to overcome difficult situations.

14. If You Could Go Back In Time And Give Yourself One Piece Of Advice, What Would It Be?

This prompt encourages students to think about decisions they have made in their life, and how they could use the benefit of hindsight to improve their future.

28 Creative Journal Prompts To Get Middle Schoolers Thinking

15. What Would You Do If You Had One Day To Be Invisible?

This prompt allows students to explore their curiosity and imagination, and consider the potential consequences of being invisible for a day – this is a chance to really let their creativity fly!

16. If You Could Create A New Law, What Would It Be?

By asking this question, you are prompting students to think about their values and the things they believe would serve to benefit society.

17. What Hobby Or Activity Do You Enjoy The Most?

This is a great way for students to reflect on what brings them joy and allows them to express themselves in a positive manner.

18. What Would You Do With One Extra Hour Each Day?

This prompt prompts students to think about how they could use their time more effectively, and explore ways to maximize the potential of their day.

19. If You Could Make A Rule For Your School, What Would It Be?

This is a great opportunity for students to consider the ways in which they would like to see their school improve, as well as how they would like their own experience within the school environment to be improved.

20. How Have Your Relationships With Friends And Family Changed Over The Years?

This prompt encourages students to reflect on how their relationships have grown and evolved, offering an opportunity for them to consider how they view those closest to them.

21. What Do You Think Of When You Hear The Word “Kindness”?

This is a great opportunity for students to examine their own beliefs about kindness and the impact it has on the world.

22. What Makes Someone A Leader In Your Eyes?

This question prompts students to think deeply about what qualities they admire in leaders, and how those traits can help shape their own future.

23. What Kind Of Legacy Would You Like To Leave Behind?

This prompt encourages students to reflect on their accomplishments and how they want to be remembered by others.

It is a great way for them to think about the impact they are having in the world and consider ways they can make it even bigger.

24. Discuss A Time When You Needed Help – What Did You Do, And Who Helped You?

This prompt encourages students to think about the importance of asking for help and how it can be beneficial in their lives.

It is also a great opportunity for them to reflect on the people who have supported them during difficult times, and how they are grateful for that assistance.

25. Describe A Time When You Had To Take A Stand On Something That Was Important To You

This prompt allows students to reflect on how their actions can have a positive impact on the world and encourages them to think about the importance of standing up for what they believe in.

26. Discuss A Time When You Made A Positive Contribution To Your Community – What Did You Do?

This prompt encourages students to consider the ways in which they can make a positive impact in their community, and how even small acts of kindness can have a big effect.

It is also an opportunity for them to reflect on the meaningful contributions they have made, and the satisfaction that comes with helping others.

27. How Do You Make An Effort To Include Those Around You?

This prompt allows students to consider the importance of inclusion, and how they can make an effort to ensure that everyone feels welcome.

It encourages them to think about how they can go out of their way to make people feel valued and accepted, and how it can positively impact the lives of those around them.

28. If You Could Give A Piece Of Advice To Your Future Self, What Would It Be?

This prompt encourages students to think about the kind of advice they need to hear in order to stay on track and continue making good decisions.

It is also a great opportunity for them to consider how their actions today will affect their future selves, and to make sure that their future self is able to reap the benefits of their current efforts.

Final Thoughts

These creative journal prompts offer a great opportunity for students to think about their lives, their relationships, their goals, and the impact they can have on the world.

They provide an opportunity for self-reflection and growth, as well as a chance to consider how they can make a positive difference in the lives of those around them.

With these prompts, students are sure to have plenty of ideas to keep them busy and motivated for many writing sessions to come!

Simon Lewis

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