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5 Fun And Creative Drawing Games For Kids

Drawing is not just an artistic activity; it’s a fantastic way for kids to express themselves, boost their creativity, and have a blast while doing it!

Encouraging children to embrace their inner artists can lead to a world of imagination and learning.

Drawing Games For Kids

To make the journey even more enjoyable, we’ve compiled a list of five fun and creative drawing games for kids.

Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or babysitter, these games are sure to inspire young artists to pick up their pencils, markers, and crayons and let their imaginations soar.

What is Art Important?

Art education plays a crucial role in the classroom for a myriad of reasons that extend far beyond the confines of creativity and self-expression. Here’s a closer look at why art is so vital in educational settings.

Fosters Creativity

Art encourages students to think outside the box, explore various solutions to problems, and embrace unconventional approaches.

These skills are invaluable in all aspects of life, from problem-solving in mathematics to innovation in science and technology.

Promotes Emotional Expression

Art provides a safe and constructive outlet for students to express their emotions, whether they are joy, sadness, anger, or confusion.

This emotional catharsis helps children develop emotional intelligence and resilience.

Enhances Fine Motor Skills

Drawing, painting, and sculpting require precise hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

These skills not only improve artistry but also contribute to improved handwriting and dexterity in other subjects.

Boosts Confidence

Creating art allows students to take pride in their work and build self-confidence.

Seeing their ideas come to life on paper or canvas fosters a sense of accomplishment, which can positively impact their overall self-esteem.

1. Scribble Challenge

The Scribble Challenge is a delightful game that encourages kids to turn random squiggles into imaginative drawings.

It’s a fantastic exercise to kickstart their creativity and help them see the potential in everyday shapes.

Here’s how to play:

Materials Needed

  • Sheets of Paper
  • Colored Markers or Crayons


  1. Start by giving each child a sheet of paper and a set of colored markers or crayons.
  2. Ask them to close their eyes and make a while, wiggly scribble on the paper. This will serve as the starting point for their artwork.
  3. Once the scribble is complete, challenge the kids to transform it into a recognizable drawing. The scribble could be the beginning of a creature, a vehicle, a plant, or anything they can imagine.
  4. Encourage them to fill in details, add color, and let their creativity run wild. There are no right or wrong answers in this game; it’s all about exploring their artistic instincts.

This game not only sparks creativity but also teaches kids to find inspiration in unexpected places.

2. Blindfolded Drawing

Blindfolded drawing is a hilarious and entertaining game that adds an element of surprise to the art-making process.

It’s a great way to encourage kids to rely on their sense of touch and spatial awareness while creating imaginative artwork.

Here’s how to play:

Materials Needed

  • Sheets of paper
  • Colored markers or crayons
  • Blindfolds (scarves, bandanas, or sleep masks


  1. Distribute sheets of paper and art supplies to each child.
  2. Have the kids put on their blindfolds so that they can’t see anything – it might be important to go over some important safety instructions at this point i.e., not getting out of their chairs, not trying to get too close to one another, just to avoid potential injuries.
  3. Instruct them to draw a specific object or scene while blindfolded. For example, you can say, “Draw a happy sun with a smiling face,” or “Create a jungle with animals and trees,” depending on the age and ability of the kids.
  4. Give them a time limit to complete their drawing. When the time is up, they can remove their blindfolds and discover the amusing and unexpected results.

Blindfolded drawing not only fosters creativity but also teaches kids to trust their instincts and embrace the unpredictable.

3. Collaborative Artwork

Collaborative artwork is a wonderful way to encourage teamwork, creativity, and the joy of creating something together. It’s a fantastic group activity that can be done with friends, siblings, or classmates.

Here’s how to create collaborative art:

Materials Needed

  • A large sheet of paper or a canvas
  • Various art supplies (markers, crayons, colored pencils, paints, and brushes)


  1. Lay out the large sheet of paper or canvas in a common area where all of the participants can access it easily.
  2. Provide a variety of art supplies for the kids to use.
  3. The first participant starts by making a small mark or drawing on the paper.
  4. Pass the art supplies on to the next participant and invite them to either add to the existing drawing or create something new.
  5. Continue passing the supplies around until everyone has had a chance to contribute.
  6. Encourage the kids to talk and collaborate on their masterpiece, discussing ideas and adding elements that fit the evolving narrative

Collaborative artwork not only inspires creativity but also teaches kids to work together, compromise, and appreciate each other’s ideas.

Drawing Games For Kids

4. Storytime Drawing

Storytime drawing combines storytelling with art, encouraging kids to use their imaginations to illustrate a tale of their own creation.

This game fosters creativity and narrative skills while making drawing a truly immersive experience.

Here’s how to play:

Materials Needed

  • Sheets of paper
  • Colored markers, crayons, or coloring pencils


  1. Gather the kids in a circle or around a table.
  2. Start by telling the beginning of a simple story or fairy tale. For example, “Once upon a time, there was a brave and curious explorer…”
  3. After the initial setup, ask the first child to draw an illustration inspired by the story on their sheet of paper.
  4. Encourage them to be as creative as they like, adding characters, settings, and objects.
  5. Once they finish their drawing, ask the next child to continue the story based on the previous illustration and draw the next part.
  6. Continue passing the story and the drawings around until everyone has had a turn.

Storytime drawing sparks creativity, enhances storytelling abilities, and turns drawing into a shared adventure.

5. Pictionary

The final game that we’ll look at today is a definite classic that never goes out of style. It’s a fantastic way to challenge kids’ drawing skills while having a blast with friends or family.

Here’s how to play:

Materials Needed

  • Drawing boards or sheets of paper
  • Markers or crayons
  • A timer
  • A list of words or phrases to draw


  1. Divide the kids into two teams.
  2. Prepare a list of words or phrases for the game. These can be related or a theme, such as animals, objects, or places that connect back to a topic you’ve been studying.
  3. One member of the team is chosen to be the “drawer” for the first round.
  4. Set a timer for a specific amount of time (e.g., one minute).
  5. The “drawer” must illustrate the chosen word or phrase on their drawing board or sheet of paper without using any letters or numbers.
  6. The team members try to guess the word or phrase based on the drawing.
  7. If they guess correctly before the timer runs out, their team earns a point.
  8. Continues taking turns before the teams, with a new “drawer” each time, until all the words or phrases have been used.

Pictionary not only hones drawing skills but also promotes teamwork and friendly competition.

Final Thoughts

These five fun and creative drawing games for kids are a fantastic way to nurture their artistic talents while fostering teamwork, storytelling, and imaginative thinking.

Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or caregiver, these games are sure to inspire young artists and bring joy to their creative journeys.

So, grab some paper, markers, and a group of eager kids, and let the fun and creativity flow!

Further reading: Fun games for 8-year-old students.

Simon Lewis

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