Fall is a magical season filled with vibrant colors, crisp air, and endless opportunities for fun and learning with your preschool class. As the leaves change and the temperature drops, it’s the perfect time to engage your little learners in exciting activities that celebrate the wonders of autumn. In this article, we’ll share 20 fantastic …
Who doesn’t love basketball? It’s one of the most popular sports in the country, as well as in schools. It’s a game that prioritizes teamwork, planning, and endurance, all skills that are valuable on and off the court. When kids first start bouncing a ball around, it’s unlikely that they’ll have the coordination to work …
Are your students tired of spending their days indoors? When the weather gets warmer, it’s nice to get your class outside so they can really stretch their legs and get some fresh air. Of course, there are the classic games that you can get your kids involved with, these being running, soccer, tennis, etc. But …
Getting middle school kids into STEM can seem like a challenge; however, if you can make their learning fun, you’ll find you have a lot more success. Kids at this age love hands-on learning that gets them out of their seats and learning by doing instead of listening. None of these projects take a lot …
If you teach any students in middle school, then you know all too well how fast these kids can lose interest in classroom activities if they’re not engaged. It’s important to remember that, as much as middle school students want to be high schoolers and be treated like mini-adults, they’re still kids. Kids need fun …
It’s likely that you’ve heard of International Dot Day. After all, you’re on this page! However, if you’ve only heard the name, you might be wondering what Dot Day actually is. Maybe your child is set to celebrate a Dot Day at their school, or perhaps you’ve just heard it on the news. Wherever you’ve …
You may have heard that volleyball is one of those sports that, similar to something like golf or tennis, has no set time limit. This can make predicting how long you need to set aside to attend a match pretty difficult, whether you’re a spectator or a player. The reason for this is there are …
If you’re looking to start college, then you might have come across the phrase “commuter school” and have no idea what the term means. Though the concept itself is pretty easy to understand, there is still a lot that you need to know before committing to a commuting school. In this guide, we’ll walk you …
The number of weeks in an academic year will vary depending on several factors, including the country, the school system, and whether the school follows a traditional or year-round schedule. Here, we’ve provided a breakdown to help you understand the typical duration of a school year – starting with the US and then looking at …
Starting middle school can be an intimidating experience. You’re facing a whirlwind of changes as you enter a new environment with new teachers, classmates, and academic challenges. Despite these challenges, middle school can be a time of exciting learning and development, new friendships, and fun. As with everything in life, there are steps you can …