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Is Power Homeschool Accredited?

Power Homeschool is a hugely popular homeschooling program that provides parents with the tools and courses they need to teach their children at home.

Is Power Homeschool Accredited?

Offering grades K-12, students that learn through Power Homeschool can learn at their own pace under the assistance and supervision of their parents.

While Power Homeschool may be a valuable tool to use to homeschool your child, there’s a lot you need to know before you start.

For example, you need to know if Power Homeschool is accredited or not.

If you don’t know the answer to questions like this, you need to learn more about the program first. Luckily for you, we’re here to help!

In this post, we’re going to tell you everything you need to know about Power Homeschool including whether the program is accredited or not.

If you want to learn more about Power Homeschool, stick around!

What Is Power Homeschool?

First of all, let’s take a closer look at what Power Homeschool is. Power Homeschool is a powerful online video curriculum program that allows parents to take charge of their child’s learning. 

Using Power Homeschool, parents can educate their children at home in a way that is reliable, efficient, and surprisingly easy.

The platform provides educational content, grade cards, attendance records, and more to ensure your child learns effectively.

The curriculum doesn’t offer teacher support but it does come packed with video lessons, questions, tests, and grades. 

Is Power Homeschool Accredited?

It could be argued that the answer to this question is yes and no, but on its own, no, Power Homeschool isn’t accredited. It doesn’t offer any form of diploma either.

The reason some people argue that Power Homeschool is accredited is that Power Homeschool is the official provider of Acellus courses which are accredited.

As a result, a lot of people would say that Power Homeschool does offer accredited courses and programs.

However, your children will only gain accreditation and diplomas if they are taught using an Acellus course, not a course from the Power Homeschool platform.

Therefore, Power Homeschool isn’t accredited!

What Is Acellus?

So, what is Acellus? Acellus is a private online homeschooling platform.

Power Homeschool is the official provider of Acellus and despite both platforms offering the same videos and questions, only Acellus is accredited.

Aside from accreditation, the main difference between the two programs is price. As a result of accreditation, Acellus is more expensive.

If your child is homeschooled using Acellus instead of Power Homeschool, he/she will graduate from Acellus Private School with a diploma. 

Does Accreditation Matter?

Despite what many people believe, accreditation doesn’t necessarily matter.

Of course, it is more beneficial to have it because it shows a better level of success and educational standards, but by no means is it a must.

Having no accreditation won’t stop your child from going on to have the career they want.

There are thousands of examples of homeschooled children that don’t have accreditation working in medicine and law.

The only difference is that it might take longer for them to get there. Someone with accreditation will undoubtedly find it easier.

Children that don’t have accreditation might just have to work harder to reach their goals.

Should You Use Acellus Or Power Homeschool?

Is Power Homeschool Accredited?

When it comes down to choosing which program to use, things ultimately come down to finances. 

Both Power Homeschool and Acellus offer the same educational materials. Both are also provided by Power Homeschool.

Therefore, the only real reason you would choose one program over the other is cost.

This is because you would most likely always choose Acellus if money wasn’t an issue as this program comes with accreditation.

However, Acellus is almost three times the price of Power Homeschool.

With that in mind, you need to work out how much money you have to spend before deciding which program to use.

If money isn’t an issue, we recommend using Acellus as your child will graduate with a diploma.

If money is an issue, you should opt for Power Homeschool instead.

Why Is Online Homeschooling So Popular?

Online homeschooling has dramatically risen in popularity in recent years with more and more parents using online resources to teach their children.

If you’re considering homeschooling your child online, it’s a good idea to know why it is so popular.

To give you a better understanding of why it is so popular, we’ve listed the best things about online homeschooling below.

  • You don’t need loads of books and notebooks to teach your child.
  • Online learning is mobile so your child can go to school anywhere.
  • Grades, attendance, scores, and assignments are all tracked for you.
  • Online homeschooling takes some of the pressure off you.
  • A lot of children learn more from video lessons.
  • Online homeschooling is cost-effective.

What’s To Like About Power Homeschool?

There are lots of things that make Power Homeschool a great platform to use when it comes to homeschooling your children.

Below, we’ve listed some of the very best things that might make you want to use Power Homeschool to homeschool your children.

  • The high-quality videos are delivered by professional educators.
  • Power Homeschool has an impressive variety of course material.
  • The platform will keep track of all your child’s records including grades and attendance.
  • Your child can choose from a wide range of different classes.
  • Tutor Mode lets you see what your child will learn ahead of time so you can help them if they have any questions.
  • Power Homeschool is very affordable.

Final Thoughts

Power Homeschool might not be an accredited online homeschooling provider but it still has plenty to offer.

Besides, we can always enroll our children in an Acellus program that is provided by Power Homeschool if we want our children to graduate with a diploma.

Aside from looking at whether Power Homeschool is accredited or not, we’ve also told you what Power Homeschool is, what it offers, and why online homeschooling is so popular.

Now you know more about Power Homeschool, you should decide whether you want to use the program or choose another program like Acellus instead.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take To Enroll Your Child In Power Homeschool?

You can enroll your child in Power Homeschool in just 10 to 20 minutes. After that, your child is ready to start online learning.

How Many Courses Can A Child Enroll In On Power Homeschool?

You can enroll your child in up to 7 courses at a time using Power Homeschool. Students can then learn at their own pace under your supervision.

How Many Courses Are There In Power Homeschool?

Power Homeschool has more than 400 different courses to choose from. The courses on Power Homeschool are suitable for elementary, middle school, and high school students.
Simon Lewis

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